Nutrition Facts for Teens
1:16 PM
Power up Your Day with Breakfast
Your usual morning rush may result
in a quick decision to skip out on the most important meal of the day as you
run to catch the bus. However, breakfast provides you with many benefits that
keep you energized and gear you up for the day. Setting your alarm back a couple
of minutes so that you wake up earlier in order to consume a balanced,
nutritious breakfast that supplies you with plenty of complex carbohydrates and
proteins will give you better concentration while you take on the day with
better problem-solving skills.
Bag Your Lunch
Although healthy, the school lunch
menu may not always provide appetizing choices to the eye or the stomach.
Packing your own lunch lets you control what you want to eat on a particular
day while minimizing temptations to grab a candy bar from the vending machine.
Keeping variety in your lunches lets you consume foods that you would not see
on a normal basis in the lunch line, such as a thermos filled with your
mother's chicken soup or some hummus and homemade pita chips that are a good
source of protein and carbohydrates.
Snacking is Healthy
Unlike when you were younger, your
body demands more nutrients during adolescence to grow, making you feel
hungrier than before. In order to meet your body's demands, you might find
yourself snacking between meals. In order to prevent excessive weight gain, you
should eat nutritious snacks that contain complex carbohydrates, proteins, and
nourishing nutrients. Tossing snacks such as celery sticks with natural peanut
butter or fruit and low-fat cheese into your school bag will help control a
trip to the vending machine when you are hungry for a snack.
Slowing Down the Fast Food
During your teenage years you may
eat out at fast food restaurants quite often. In fact, you are probably
consuming more calories in a value-sized meal than you need for an entire day.
However, eating out with your friends is a lot simpler than you think. Choosing
grilled meats instead of fried while using mustard instead of mayonnaise cuts
down on your fat intake. Asking for whole wheat breads will allow you to
consume more fiber while ordering water or low-fat milk lets you skip out on
the added calories from sugar-sweetened drinks.
Article “Fun Nutrition Facts for Teenage Kids” by Syeda Sidrah with Livestrong. Read more:
Best Teen Diets recommends
healthy well balanced eating that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
protein and low-fat or fat-free dairy. We offer nutrition information for
teens, parents and educators that emphasize the importance of healthy eating
for teens.