Take Control of Your Health

2:21 PM

By: Kaycie Smith BS Food Science and Nutrition & Best Teen Diets Community Manager

As a teen it can be really hard to eat healthy even if you want to; you’re constantly surrounded by temptation and probably have little control over what goes on the table at home. Even with it seeming like all is against you, you do have the right to stand up and take control of your health. First things first, educate yourself so you can help others around you understand what to do and the importance of healthy living. Encourage everyone in your house to be healthier also, with a group effort the rate of success is sure to increase. If you see areas that can be improved come to your parents with solutions rather than just telling them what is wrong. They will be more likely to listen and make the needed changes if they see exactly how it can be improved. Also, be helpful with making changes, offer to make a list of healthy foods to get at the grocery store or even offer to help cook some healthy meals if you are able to.

When it comes to eating outside of your home don’t give into temptations just because all of your friends are. For school lunches ask to bring your own from home, you will have control over what is in it and its portion sizes. If your parents don’t have the time to make it for you learn to make them yourself (you will see that being able to make the basics in the long run will keep you healthier and save you money). If your group of friends are doing something social that centers around food like going to dinner or to get ice cream, go ahead and indulge a little, just look for healthier items on the menus and be conscious of proper portion sizes (A bowl of ice cream should look like a tennis ball not three).

Besides eating healthy as often as you can, another important thing to remember is exercise. This is something that you can have complete control over so there should be no excuses for not getting 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. While it may be beneficial to have a set time to get all of your activity in for the day, if you have time constraints you do not need to do it all at once you can break it up throughout the day. You do not need to go to the gym or start running marathons to get more exercise in your day. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, asking your parents to park further away at the grocery store, taking a walk or doing sit-ups and push-ups during commercial breaks of your favorite shows are all great ways to add a little movement throughout the day.

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