Go Nuts! Using Trail Mix to Fuel Your Fun

11:36 AM

Trail Mix In A Bowl

Name a snack that is easy to pack, requires no refrigeration and is delicious? Trail mix! Now I don’t mean your dad’s old nuts and raisins only mix; I mean a creative combo of your favorite snacks all mixed into one!  There are so many trail mix combinations available, we want to suggest some of our favorites; as well as highlight the benefits of the main ingredient- nuts. We often hear nuts are good for health but do you know what are the health benefits of nuts? Let’s find out!

Nuts have a high antioxidant capacity. 

Some nuts such as hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts have a high antioxidant capacity, which helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Think “keep my heart healthy and strong”.

Nuts are a good source of proteins. 

Proteins present in nuts help to maintain and develop muscles. They are also helpful with satiety, making you feel satisfied with the food you eat. In fact, you might have noticed that you feel satisfied for a longer period after eating nuts compared to other type of food low in protein such as fruit or vegetables.

Nuts are tasty.  

For all these reasons, the American Heart Association recommends eating four servings of nuts per week. A serving represents 1 ½ oz. of nuts or two tablespoons of nut butter. A great way to meet these recommendations is to eat some trail mix for snack when at school, at work, on the road or hiking! 

However, make sure to remember that not all trail mixes are created equals. The ones containing more chocolate chips, candy or dried fruit than nuts contain less of the healthy nutrients and are likely better treats than snacks.  Check out some of our favorite trail mix combos and make your own:
  • Dried cherries, Pecans, chocolate chips and sunflower seeds.
  • Dried pineapple, banana chips, mini chocolate chips, peanuts and Pumpkin seeds.
  • Cheerios (or other cereal), pretzel fish, peanut butter chips, raisins and cashews.
  • Peanut butter filled pretzels, almonds, dark chocolate chunks, dried strawberries and seeds.

The science has spoken again. Have fun and fuel up for fun!
Stay tuned for another blog soon!

By Genevieve Masson, RD, CD (@nutgmasson)

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