Super Bowl Sunday might mean consuming almost as many calories as at Thanksgiving

10:00 PM

--Excerpt from the Medill Reports

The average American can expect to see big gains this weekend, even if your team loses.

This Super Bowl Sunday, you are likely to consume more calories than on any other day of the year, excluding Thanksgiving.

Last year on game day, Americans collectively consumed 11 million pounds of chips and 1.25 billion pounds of chicken wings.

At that rate of consumption, the average American consumed a day to a day and a half’s worth of calories during the game alone, according to Ellen Muhammad, a registered dietitian at Nutrition and Beyond in Chicago.

“We’re not even talking about the other additional meals you may have leading into the Super Bowl and thereafter,” Muhammad said. “Let’s face it. Americans collectively tend to overindulge in snack consumption on Super Bowl Sunday.”

With the standard serving size of two tablespoons of cheese dip equaling 80 calories, it is easy to see how the average American tends to consume excessive amounts of food during the Super Bowl.

Still Muhammad said that all is not lost.

“You should have fun,” she said. “It should be an enjoyable time to get together with family and friends and enjoy the game.”

But whatever your food choices are on Super Bowl Sunday, Muhammad said portion control is the real secret to staying true to your health goals.

“Enjoy the day in moderation,” she said.  “Just be mindful and enjoy yourself.”

Read entire article: "Super Bowl Sunday might mean consuming almost as many calories as at Thanksgiving" by Morgan Kauphusman 

Find alternative recipes for your Superbowl holiday here.

Best Teen Diets recommends healthy well balanced eating that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and low-fat or fat-free dairy. We offer nutrition information for teens, parents and educators that emphasizes the importance of healthy eating for teens. For more information visit

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