Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Strawberries

11:15 PM

--From Fruits & Veggies More Matters

10.  Balsamic & Berries. Reduce balsamic in a sauce pan by bringing to a boil then simmering over low heat until it has a syrup consistency. Top low-fat frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries and finish with a drizzle of the balsamic reduction.

9.  Sweet Greens. Add sliced berries to mesclun greens (or other mixed greens) along with chopped walnuts and a few tablespoons of gorgonzola cheese, then toss with a low-fat balsamic vinaigrette. Recipe Rio Grande Spinach Salad

8.  Strawberry Ade. Purée strawberries in a blender and pour into a pitcher with lemon juice, water and a touch of sugar. Serve over ice and garnish with fresh mint sprigs. Recipe Strawberry Lemonade

7.  A Light Dessert. Top angel food cake with sliced berries and low-fat vanilla ice cream.

6.  Sweet & Sophisticated. Make a parfait with low-fat frozen yogurt and sliced strawberries. Alternate in a tall glass and top with a strawberry.

5.  Healthier Pancakes. Top waffles or pancakes with sliced strawberries and bananas for a fresh alternative to traditional syrup. Recipe Banana-Berry Pancakes

4.  Refreshing Smoothie. Freeze whole strawberries, grapes, and bananas. Blend with 100% orange juice, adding just enough to make a frozen purée. Garnish with a mint leaf and serve. Refreshing!

3.  Sweet & Tangy. Incorporate strawberries into a salad along with other fresh fruit, turkey and a mustard dressing. Recipe Strawberry Chef’s Salad

2.  Elegantly Easy Ceviche. Dice fresh strawberries and add them to a shrimp ceviche with fresh vegetables, citrus juices and cilantro for a refreshing and light appetizer. Recipe Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche

1.  Berries & Chocolate. Dip fresh berries in melted dark chocolate for a special treat.

View original post, "Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Strawberries" by Fruits & Veggies More Matters

Best Teen Diets recommends healthy well balanced eating that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and low-fat or fat-free dairy. We offer nutrition information for teens, parents and educators that emphasizes the importance of healthy eating for teens. For more information visit

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