To exercise or not to exercise... when sick

8:02 PM

By Kristi Tamaki, RD / Best Teen Diets contributor

Have you ever woken up with a sore throat and secretly thought, "hmm, well, guess I can't run today."  Think again.  Don't let your motivation decline if it doesn't have to.  Here's what you need to know next time you are deciding whether to exercise or not when illness strikes:

1.  Let your body be your guide.  Use the "neck" rule which says if it's above the neck (sneezing, runny nose, sore throat) you probably get a green light.  Any body soreness, upset stomach, or chest congestion below the neck, red light.  Remember that you can adjust intensity (how heavy your weights are, how fast you run) or duration (length of workout) before totally calling it quits.  Feel worse after exercising?  Stop.  And if you must stop, gradually work your way back up.

2.  Germs, germs and more germs.  If you share gym space with others, respect their space and wipe down all equipment before and after you use it.  Not sick?  Do the same wipe-down so that you don't catch somebody else's sickness!  And don't forget to wash your hands!

3.  Help or harm.  In one small study published in "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise," subjects who exercised did not recover any better than those who did not exercise.  Cold symptoms also remained the same in both groups.  Exercising while NOT sick, however, may help boost immune function in the long term.  Women who walked 35-40 minutes, 5 days per week for 12-15 weeks experienced approximately half the number of colds as those women who were inactive.

Don't let yourself skip out without first thinking and assessing.  You'll thank yourself later!

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